Screen Shot 2013-06-21 at 2.20.12 PMI have been given The WordPress Family Blog Award!

Thank you to Cathy, aka Naphtali, at  She wrote on her blog that writing is a dream of hers and “who knows who it might touch.”  I think her writing has touched many!  Thank you, Cathy, for following God, for following your dream of writing, and for nominating me for this award.  You are a blessing to so many people, Cathy!

It is really neat how God works through simple blogs.  I have been so blessed to find many friends through WordPress who also love God and want to live for Him.  Cathy is one of those friends and I am so grateful to her for her blogging friendship and for this award.  I definitely feel like part of the family here on WordPress!

Here are the rules for this award:

1.  Display the award logo on your blog.

2.  Link back to the person who nominated you.

3.  Nominate 10 others who have positively impacted your WordPress experience.

4.  Don’t forget to let your WordPress family members know of your nomination.

5.  Please pick 10 people that have accepted you as a friend, and spread the love!

So here are my 10 nominations, in no particular order:











Thanks again to Cathy for giving me The WordPress Family Blog Award.  I am honored and blessed!