Tag Archive: Hobbit

Screen Shot 2012-12-31 at 11.12.05 PMThank you to Jill at http://gegebearbear.wordpress.com for giving me the Versatile Blogger Award!

These are the rules for the Versatile Blogger Award:

  • Display the Award Certificate on your website
  • Announce your win with a post and link to whoever presented your award
  • Present 15 awards to deserving bloggers
  • Drop them a comment to tip them off after you’ve linked them in the post
  • Post 7 interesting things about yourself

Here are 7 things about myself.  Not sure how interesting they are!

1.  My husband and I will celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary this year, in the spring of 2013!

2.  I’m reading “The Hobbit” right now because my son told me that I should.

3.  Teaching my Good News Club is one of my favorite things to do.  We have a lot of kids and every one of them is awesome!

4.  I don’t like coffee.  Or tea.  I do like water with lots of ice.

5.  I saw “The Avengers” twice when it came out.  We didn’t stay till the end of the credits the first time so we had to go back and watch the movie again.

6.  One of my favorite adventures was snorkeling in Hawaii with my husband and our kids.  The fish just swim right up to you!

7.  I bake chocolate chip cookies whenever my kids’ friends come over.  And they know it. 🙂

Now I get to share the love.  Here are 15 blogs, in no particular order, that I believe deserve the Versatile Blogger Award.

1.  http://jennifershopeblog.com

2.  http://plantingpotatoes.wordpress.com

3.  http://terry1954.wordpress.com

4.  http://triciajots4jesus.wordpress.com

5.  http://followhislight.wordpress.com

6.  http://pennykeepingitreal.wordpress.com

7.  http://seventhirtyjourney.wordpress.com

8.  http://craigmotor.wordpress.com

9.  http://momtoldmetowriteabook.wordpress.com

10.  http://morningstoryanddilbert.wordpress.com

11.  http://sewawesomeness.wordpress.com

12.  http://mustardseedbudget.wordpress.com

13.  http://settledinheaven.wordpress.com

14.  http://boyslumber.wordpress.com

15.  http://youcanbesaved.wordpress.com

Thanks again to Jill for thinking of me for this award.  Blessings to you all!

Never Late

Okay.  I admit it.  I like “The Lord of the Rings Trilogy.”  You have to see this scene from “The Fellowship of the Ring” where Frodo tells Gandalf that he has arrived late at which time Gandalf informs Frodo that “a wizard is never late” and that he “arrives precisely when he means to.”

I think I’ve always liked this scene because it reminds me of God.  Not that God is a wizard, because He is not.  But sometimes we can feel like God is late.  We can feel like God is not with us or is not taking care of a situation in our life that is important to us.  But then we realize that God’s timing is perfect.  God is never late.  He is always with us and always knows what is going on and what is important to us.  And He “arrives precisely when He means to.”  Because He is God.  And we can be joyful just as Frodo and Gandalf were at the end of this scene.

Even more than “The Lord of the Rings,” I like God’s Word.  The author of Hebrews told us, “God has said, ‘Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you,'” (Hebrews 13:5b NIV).  And that we can count on.